Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 837
Annual Return Start: 02 May 2000
Annual Return End: 01 May 2001
Date Received: 28 Jun 2001
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
R1.1 Licensee has not provided statistical analysis of oxygen results for Point 4 as required by licence. N/A N/A
R1.1 Licensee has not provided statistical analysis of monitoring data for total solid particles or sulphur dioxide at Point 5 as required by Licence. N/A N/A
R1.1 Licensee has not provided statistical analysis of monitoring data for total solid particles and sulphur dioxide at Point 7 as required in Licence. N/A N/A
R1.1 Licensee has not provided statistical analysis of monitoring data for sulphur dioxide at Point 8 as required in the licence. N/A N/A
M2.1 Licensee has undertaken monitoring for sulphur dioxide at Point 7 in units of mg/m3 rather than ppm as required by the licence. N/A N/A
M2.1 Sulphur dioxide is required to be monitored continuously at Point 8. Due to instrument failure no sulphur dioxide monitoring was undertaken for 8 months of the licence period. N/A N/A
M2.1 Monitoring at Point 9 was conducted using an incorrect test method for the whole of the reporting year. N/A N/A
M2.1 The licensee did not analyse samples from Point 13 for ammonia nitrogen, BOD and sulphide on 6 December 2000 and 12 December 2000 as required by the licence. N/A N/A
M2.1 The licensee failed to monitor for moisture, pH and oil and grease twice at each of Points 23, 24 and 25 during the licence period. N/A N/A
R1.1 The licensee has not undertaken statistical analysis of the monitoring data for temperature at Point 26 as required by the licence. N/A N/A
M2.1 The licensee missed taking samples at Point 28 on 11/3/01 (BOD, NFR, sulphide, ammonia, PAH and phenol), 10/4/01 (BOD, NFR, sulphide, ammonia, PAH and phenol), 21-22/4/01 (ammonia and PAH) and 1/5/01 (ammonia). N/A N/A